port: 60606
# Supported sample rates:
# 8000
# 12000
# 24000
# 48000
sample_rate: 48000
# Voice distance
- 8
- 16
- 24
# Default voice distance
# If 0 distance will be first element from distances
default_distance: 16
# Max priority distance
# 0 = infinite
max_priority_distance: 0
# Example:
# Voice distance is 16
# Fade distance will be 16/8=2
# Should be int >= 1
fade_divisor: 8
priority_fade_divisor: 8
disable_voice_activation: false
# Kick players if they attempt to join without the client mod installed
client_mod_required: false
# Wait this many ticks before kicking players if they don't have the mod installed
# Value should not be set lower than 1 second (20 ticks)
client_mod_check_timeout: 60
prefix: "&6[Plasmo Voice]&7 "
list: "Clients ({count}/{online_players}): {players}"
player_not_found: "Player not found"
muted: "%s muted"
not_muted: "%s not muted"
unmuted: "%s unmuted"
muted_list: "Muted players:"
muted_list_entry: "&7&l{player}&7, expires: {expires}. Reason: {reason}"
muted_list_empty: "No players are muted"
mute_expires_format: "yyyy.MM.dd 'at' HH:mm:ss"
mute_expires_never: "never"
player_muted_perm: "You've been permanently muted in voice chat. Reason: {reason}"
player_muted: "You've been muted in voice chat {duration}. Reason: {reason}"
mute_no_reason: "not specified"
seconds: "for %s sec"
minutes: "for %s min"
hours: "for %s h"
days: "for %s d"
weeks: "for %s w"
reconnect_sent: "Reconnect packet sent"
reloaded: "Config reloaded"
mod_missing_kick_message: "Sorry, you need to install the Plasmo Voice mod to play on this server.\nDownload here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/plasmo-voice-client"
mute: "Usage: /vmute [duration] [reason]"
unmute: "Usage: /vunmute "
# do not touch
config_version: 1.0.1
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