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When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#1 | 24 мая 2013 - 14:58
#2 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:01
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#4 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:01
#5 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:02
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#6 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:04
Сразу могу тебе сказать (гребеш на себя) Может, нужно разобраться.
#7 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:07
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#8 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:09
#9 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:14
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#10 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:40
#11 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:45
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#12 | 24 мая 2013 - 15:46
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#14 | 24 мая 2013 - 16:05
#15 | 24 мая 2013 - 16:44
#16 | 24 мая 2013 - 16:48
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parent's name
Then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh, but I love the worst
#17 | 24 мая 2013 - 16:54
#18 | 24 мая 2013 - 16:57
Сейчас онлайн: 8
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