no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to take the survey!
started-survey: "&aYou have started the survey.
already-taken: "&cYou have already taken the survey!
answered-yes: "&6&lYou answered: &a&lYes&6&l."
answered-no: "&6&lYou answered: &c&lNo&6&l."
answered-sometimes: "§6§lYou answered: §e§l%sometimes-option-text%"
finished-survey: "&aThank you for taking the survey.
prevent-answer-spam: true #move the cursor away from the answer button when pressed.
finished-command: "eco give %player% 10" #Command console runs when player is finished. Use "NONE" for no command.
use-sometimes-option: true
sometimes-option-text: "Sometimes" #sometimes, maybe, possibly, etc.
- "Are you currently enjoying the server?
- "Should we change the server name?
- "If we added minigames, would you play them?
- "Is this your favorite server?
- "Are you joined in the discord channel?
- "Are you joined in the server forums?
- "Are the staff members fair and honest?
finished-players: "" #do not edit this - use /survey reset to properly reset.
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16 010
15-03-2019, 23:10
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