# Configuration file for AutoMessagePlus by SDIR01 #
# Global plugin settings #
# Enable or disable plugin #
enabled: true
# If server have has a specified number of players, plugin will start show messages #
min-players-to-broadcast: 1
# List of messages going to be broadcasted #
# Profile name #
# You can set the messages cooldown, time in seconds #
cooldown: 15
# Type of broadcast #
type: "message"
# Sound of send message event #
# This prefix will be use in broadcasted messages #
prefix: "&9&l[Robot]"
# You can show messages to special groups #
# If you don't want use permission, type "none" #
permission: "none"
# List of messages #
# Support colors and tags #
# Tags: <username>, <online_players>, <world>, <level>, <health> #
- "&bHello &7<username>&b, thanks for using &c&lAutoMessage+!"
- "&c&lAutoMessage+ &7by &b&osdir01"
# If you use BossBarAPI, you can show a Boss Bar messages to players, using this profile! #
# Profile name #
# bossbarapi-messages:
# You can set the messages cooldown, time in seconds #
# cooldown: 10
# Time of your Boss Bar will be hide from player
# bossbarapi-time: 5
# Type of broadcast #
# type: "bossbarapi"
# Sound of send message event #
# sound: NOTE_PLING_4
# This prefix will be use in broadcasted messages #
# prefix: "&c[Infos]"
# You can show messages to special groups #
# If you don't want use permission, type "none" #
# permission: "none"
# Color of your Boss Bar #
# bossbarapi-color: BLUE
# Style of your Boss Bar #
# bossbarapi-type: NOTCHED_20
# List of messages #
# Support colors and tags #
# Tags: <username>, <online_players>, <world>, <level>, <health> #
# messages-list:
# - "&bHello &7<username>&b, thanks for using &c&lAutoMessage+!"
# - "&c&lAutoMessage+ &7by &b&osdir01"
11 606
11-07-2016, 03:57
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