И так! Как я уже сказал, я русифицировал мод ! А он называется...
Doggy Talents!Этот мод позволят
зарезать персика Лололошки! Сделать вам верного друга, который по утрам всегда с вами, тоже самое по вечерам... И в обед... И ночью...

... Но этот верный друг облегчит вам жизнь! Он будет ловить для вас рыбу, охотится, помогать! А самое главное... Он на русском?! Да, вы не ослышались! Он на русском! Так скачайте этот мод, да поскорее!
Русифицирована только версия 1.5.2.
![[1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг [1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг](https://ru-minecraft.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/1413902881_31073456.png)
1-Добавляет собачке необходимые для тренировки очки. Действует до 20 уровня.
![[1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг [1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг](https://ru-minecraft.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/1413902849_59886056.png)
2-Добавляет собачке необходимые для тренировки очки. Действует до 40 уровня.
![[1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг [1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг](https://ru-minecraft.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/1413902822_aaaabzy.png)
3-Добавляет собачке необходимые для тренировки очки. Действует до 60 уровня.
![[1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг [1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг](https://ru-minecraft.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/1413902864_aaafl.png)
4-Добавляет собачке необходимые для тренировки очки. Действует до бесконечного уровня. Также делает Супер-Собачку.
![[1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг [1.5.2 - 1.8.9] Doggy Talents [Rus] by XimiX - верный друг](https://ru-minecraft.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/thumbs/1413902999_csg3.png)
Так выглядит интерфейс собачки.
Чтоб его открыть необходима палочка. Эффекты тренеровок:
BlackPelt: Improves critical hit rate, which increases damage by 50%.
GuardDog: Increases the chance that your dog will completely block a physical attack.
HunterDog: Every level grants a 10% chance to make anything your dog kills drop its loot twice. Level 5 grants an extra 10%, bringing it up to a 60% chance.
HellHound: Lets your dog set things on fire with its attacks. The higher the level, the longer the fire lasts. Level 5 grants your dog immunity to all fire damage.
PackPuppy: Each level gives your dog 3 inventory slots in its PackPuppy GUI. To open the GUI right click on your dog with a plank in hand! At level 5, your dog will also automatically pick up any nearby items if it has space in its inventory.
PillowPaw: Every level lets your dog fall 3 more blocks before it starts taking damage. Mastering this skill makes your dog completely immune to fall damage, and also capable of floating/gliding when it jumps.
ShepherdDogs: Put some wheat in your hand, and any trained ShepherdDogs will immediately rustle up some nearby livestock and carry them for you, making it easier to transport livestock long distances. This is quite tiring though, and costs a lot of nourishment (the cost is reduced with higher levels in the skill). To have your dog drop the animal, simply right-click on the dog.
CreeperSweeper: A dog with this skill can smell creepers in the area, and if your dog isn't sitting, it will growl to warn you. The range at which your dog can detect creepers increases by 6 blocks per level, and mastering this skill will make your dog capable of attacking creepers. Your dog will reset the creeper's detonation timer with each attack.
DoggyDash: Increases your dog's movement speed while chasing a target. Every level grants a 12% increase, and mastering it grants an additional 15% increase.
FisherDog: Whenever your dog enters the water, it may catch a fish, which it will give to you when it shakes itself dry. The chance of catching a fish increases with level, and any points in HellHound may cause the fish to be pre-cooked. Mastering this skill lets your dog breathe underwater.
HappyEater: Increases the NP your dog gets from food items by 10% per level. In addition, level 3 lets your dog eat rotten flesh, and level 5 lets your dog eat fish.
BedFinder: While a dog with this skill is on your head, it will look in the direction of your home. To get the dog on you head right click on him with a bone in hand. The range at which it can do this is equal to 200 blocks per level, but becomes infinite at level 5.
PestFighter: Inflicts 1 point of damage on all nearby silverfish at random. Increasing the skill level increases the range by 3 blocks, and mastering the skill doubles the damage.
PoisonFang: Your dog's attacks will poison their target, and the poison's duration increases with level. At level 3 your dog becomes immune to poison, and mastering this skill allows you to cleanse yourself of all potion effects, including poison, by right-clicking on your dog with a spider eye, at the cost of 30 NP.
QuickHealer: Improves the rate at which your dog heals without needing to rest. Max this out and your dog will be able to heal 50% faster by sitting.
RescueDog: If you're at critical health and a dog with this skill is following you, it will attempt to heal you half a heart per level in this skill, at the cost of 100 NP. Mastering this skill reduces the cost to 80 NP.
PuppyEyes: This skill will cause your dog to warm the heart of any villager, prompting the villager to give you presents! Higher levels in the skill increase the quality of the random gifts. This can only be done once every two Minecraft days. Mastering the skill allows you to do this once every Single Minecraft day.
Wolf Mount: This allows you to ride your dog at speed around the land. To mount your dog jump and right click on the dog with nothing in your hand. With each level it also increases the height your dog can jump. Beware NP points drain faster while riding your dog.
Скачать русский мод Doggy Talents:
1.4.7 Полу-RUS
[184,66 Kb]
1.5.2\1.5 RUS
[203,68 Kb]
1.6.2\1.6.4 Не RUS
[653,4 Kb]
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